Meeting Presentations
- ENISA strategy and multiannual work programme, Steve Purser, ENISA
- Update on activities of NLO network, Katerina Christaki, ENISA
- NLO network Developments in 2015, Katerina Christaki, ENISA
- Οnline privacy tools for the general public, Athina Bourka, ENISA
- eHealth project, Dimitra Liveri, ENISA
- CERT Training, Lauri Palkmets, ENISA
- Security and privacy standardization for the SME community, Clara Galan Manso, ENISA
- Cyber Cooperation and Exercises, Panagiotis Trimintzios, ENISA
- ENISA Perspective on Article 19, Marnix Dekker, Kostas Moulinos, ENISA
- European Cyber Security Month 2015, Daria Catalui, ENISA
- Introductory by the Latvian Presidency of the council of the EU, Viktors Lipenits, NLO Latvia